Salbutamol, Ventolin and Inhalers

Do you experience breathing problems? You could be suffering from a rather persistent cough. Perhaps you’ve seen people use inhalers which have left you wondering whether you’d benefit from this type of medication as well. What medication would be most appropriate concerning your current health issues? Read on and find out as we answer many of your most frequently asked questions. The blue inhaler, which is most likely what you have seen most people use, is called Ventolin. Known for its generic name Salbutamol, it is a drug that offers relief to millions of people dealing with breathing issues. Generally, it comes as a liquid and can also be found in inhaler form.

Am I suffering from asthma? 

If you suspect you have asthma, make sure to watch out for potential symptoms. These include coughing, wheezing or shortness of breath. This tends to be commonplace among kids. If you want confirmation whether you have asthma or not, then make sure to secure a proper diagnosis from your healthcare provider. Once they find that you are suffering from asthma, Ventolin can then be prescribed as a solution.

What are the uses of Ventolin? 

As a bronchodilator, Ventolin is used in treating and preventing bronchospasm. This is a condition where the muscles lining the airways in the lungs tighten. Among the most common symptoms of bronchospasm are tightness, feeling of constriction and pain in the chest and back area. This makes it harder for enough air to get in which is needed for breathing. Ventolin is widely used today in treating bronchial spasms.

How much Ventolin is safe? 

Typically, when inhalers are used, a single puff or two when needed is more than enough. It is important to remember never to take more than 4 puffs within a 24-hour period. It doesn’t matter whether you have taken two puffs or just a single one when using the inhaler. Always make sure to never go beyond 4 puffs, although your doctor may provide you with different instructions on how much you should take depending on your specific health situation.

Does Ventolin work fast? 

What’s good with using an inhaler is that the effects can be felt nearly instantly. Typically, the effects of the dose should last for around 5 hours. After taking a puff or two, you should find yourself having a much easier time breathing within 5-15b minutes. If this timeframe has passed and the inhaler doesn’t seem to offer any relief at all, make sure to contact your doctor.

Are there differences between Salbutamol and Ventolin? 

Essentially, both are the same drug. Ventolin inhalers are asthma medications that are used to give the patient a 100-microgram dose of Salbutamol. Any product or method that delivers the same amount of 100 micrograms of Salbutamol works the same as Ventolin. Technically, on a per-dose basis, Ventolin and Salbutamol are the same. While an inhaler comes in a different form than the usual liquid Salbutamol, they are still designed to offer relief in the same manner.

Is Ventolin ideal to use for coughs? 

Asthma inhalers like Ventolin are designed for soothing the airways. This suppresses the inclination to cough. The generic brand name of the drug, Salbutamol, is typically used as a prescription in treating persistent cough. If you’ve been dealing with a highly persistent cough for an extended period, it is never a bad idea to check with your doctor if Ventolin might actually work for you.

What is Ventolin syrup used for? 

Ventolin, generic name Salbutamol, is commonly delivered into the lungs by directly puffing an aerosol pump. This method offers the fastest relief for people suffering from bronchospasms which make it harder for them to breathe. On the other hand, Salbutamol can also be given in syrup or capsule forms especially for people who are unable to effectively use an inhaler. Salbutamol is available in liquid form and while this delivery method may not be as effective and fast as an inhaler, it is a much cheaper option. In this firm, it can be effectively used as an expectorant. If you happen to suffer from less than severe symptoms and you want to take costs into consideration, then your doctor may prescribe you the medication in liquid form.

How is a Ventolin inhaler used? 

Prior to using your inhaler, make sure to prime it first. This will ensure that every time you take a puff, you are getting the right dose. When priming the inhaler, make sure to follow the following steps:

Before priming the inhaler make sure to:

  • Remove the cap and shake the inhaler well.
  • With the inhaler pointed away from your face, press down two times, to release two sprays.
  • Make sure to follow the two aforementioned steps if your inhaler hasn’t been in use for the last 5 days.

Once the inhaler is primed:

  • Stand upright.
  • Take off the mouthpiece and make sure that there aren’t any dust or other particles on the inhaler.
  • Shake it 4-5 times while making sure that any loose objects are properly removed. This also ensures that the medicine will be evenly mixed.
  • Place your index finger at the top of the canister while your thumb supports the base.
  • Gently let out a breath and hold it.
  • Position the mouthpiece right between your teeth and seal around the inhaler with your lips. Make sure you do not bite it.
  • Breathe in using your mouth while your lies are still sealed around the inhaler’s mouthpiece. Once you begin to breathe in, press the canister with your index finger.
  • Breathe in deeply and gently.
  • If your doctor has instructed you to use two puffs, then make sure to wait for 0 seconds before repeating the same process.
  • Once done, replace the cap over the mouthpiece and make sure that it has properly clicked in place.

How to get the most from a Ventolin inhaler 

When taking medicine via an inhaler, make sure that you first breathe out before using it. This ensures that space is created in your lungs that will then hold the air with Ventolin mixed in it once you puff the inhaler. Take a deep and slow breath to allow for the most exposure of our lungs to the inhaler medication. Follow the steps listed about to a tee to ensure that you are not just getting the proper dose but also the most benefit from your medication.

Side effects of Ventolin 

Side effects are not common among people who use Ventolin inhalers. However, more than 1 in 100 individuals who have used Salbutamol were reported to experience the following:

  • A shaky feeling
  • Headaches
  • Racing heartbeat without any chest pain
  • Muscle cramps

These side effects are not considered serious and over time, as your body gets more exposed to Salbutamol, they should eventually tame down.

There are side effects that rarely happen but are considered to be on the serious side. It is advised that you contact your health care professional if you experience the following after using Ventolin:

  • Muscle pain which feels more severe than an ordinary cramp
  • Fast heartbeat that’s accompanied by chest pain
  • Severe dizziness or even passing out
  • Severe headache