Morning After Pill - Online Treatment & Support Center

The morning after pill is a contraceptive meant to be used in an emergency, to prevent pregnancy after unprotected sex. The morning after pills are highly effective in case your primary contraceptive fails or you’ve forgotten to use it. If you take it as soon as you realize you’re at risk of unwanted pregnancy it is a highly effective contraceptive. However, the pills can be effective for as long as five days. True Medical offers a wide range of morning after pills, delivered discreetly and promptly to your UK shipping address.

The morning after pill is a contraceptive meant to be used in an emergency, to prevent pregnancy after unprotected sex. The morning after pills are highly effective in case your primary contraceptive fails or you’ve forgotten to use it. If you take it as soon as you realize you’re at risk of unwanted pregnancy it is a highly effective contraceptive. However, the pills can be effective for as long as five days. True Medical offers a wide range of morning after pills, delivered discreetly and promptly to your UK shipping address.

In Case Of Emergency - Order Morning After Pills Online

If your contraceptive method failed or you’ve had unprotected sex, worrying about pregnancy is only natural. In this case, the morning after pill is one of the most sought-out contraceptive treatments to prevent an unwanted pregnancy.

Even though it is called a morning after pill, this contraceptive pill can be effective for up to five days after unprotected sex. This largely depends on the treatment you take and is indicated in the patient information leaflet contained with each. However, the sooner you use it, the more effective it is at protecting you from unwanted pregnancy.

The morning after pill should only be used as an emergency, and should not replace your traditional contraceptive method.

If You Need To Take A Morning After Pill Right Away

The emergency contraceptive treatments for women who’ve had unprotected sex are available online through True Medical. We offer a 24h delivery to ensure you take the treatment on time to prevent unwanted pregnancy.

If you are unsure if the treatment is right for you, you can always talk to our expert staff online. They will guide you through the correct way to use a morning after pill, warn you of any side-effects and answer any questions you may have. If you have any concerns about using a morning after pill, visit your general practitioner or the nearest contraception clinic.

If You Need A Morning After Pill For Later

If you need a morning after pill for a future emergency, you can buy any of the available treatments online. You will be asked to fill out an online questionnaire so our experts can determine whether the chosen treatment is suitable for you. You need to be over 16 to buy a morning after pill online.

How Effective Is The Morning After Pill?

As long as it is taken as soon as possible after unprotected sex, all morning after pills are highly effective in protecting you from unwanted pregnancy.


Treatments like Levonelle are most effective when taken 12 hours after unprotected sex, even though it will be effective even after 72 hours. However, the longer you wait the less effective the treatment becomes.

In general, the morning after pills are between 98% and 99% effective when taken within the first 12 hours after unprotected sex. This means that one or two in every 100 women will still get pregnant even after using the morning after pill. Therefore, it is recommended to act as if you are pregnant until you can confirm the morning after pill has worked.

Before You Buy A Morning After Pill

Make sure the selected emergency contraceptive is effective considering the number of hours that have passed since you’ve had unprotected sex. Make sure you take into account the delivery time as well. The sooner you take the treatment, the more effective it is and if waiting for delivery is not an option, please visit the nearest treatment dispensary near you.

True Medical delivers the treatments via the postal service. Orders taken in the afternoon will not be dispensed before the next working day. Due to the time-sensitive nature of the treatment, if you cannot wait this long please obtain the treatment locally. True Medical is not responsible for any postal service delays. If you opt-in for delivery, we will package the treatment in an unmarked and unlabeled parcel to ensure your discretion.

Benefits Of Using Tru Medical Online Treatment Service


Shipped To You

Select your shipping address and choose from one of our available shipping options including same-day shipping.


Discreet and Secure Service

Your treatment will be delivered in a discreet, unlabeled and unmarked package, ensuring complete discretion.


Online Consultation

Make sure your selected treatment is right for you by consulting with our experts online.

Available Treatments



  • Morning After Pill
  • Works Up To 5 Days
  • Single Dose
  • Genuine Treatment
  • Sourced In The UK
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Prices start from £32


  • Morning after pill
  • Works up to 3 days
  • Single dose (2 tablets may need to be taken together depending on weight)
  • Can start hormonal contraception immediately
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Prices start from £14

Benefits Of Using Tru Medical Online Treatment Service


Shipped To You

Select your shipping address and choose from one of our available shipping options including same-day shipping.


Discreet and Secure Service

Your treatment will be delivered in a discreet, unlabeled and unmarked package, ensuring complete discretion.


Online Consultation

Make sure your selected treatment is right for you by consulting with our experts online.

How Does The Online Treatment Service Work?



Fill out our online questionnaire our experts will examine.



If you are eligible for the treatment, you will be sent to the checkout page.


Start Your Treatment

The selected treatment will be delivered to your address.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is A Morning After Pill? 

The morning after pill gets its name after the time it is usually taken. It is a form of contraceptive used only in emergencies. This could happen due to your preferred contraceptive failing, such as if your condom breaks or you forget to take your contraceptive pill on time. In these cases, you can turn to the morning after pill as an effective method to prevent unwanted pregnancy.

How Does The Morning After Pill Work? 

The morning after pill contains levonorgestrel, the female hormone which delays ovulation in two steps. The first step is to prevent the ovaries from releasing the egg so the sperm cannot fertilize it. If you take the pill after the egg has been fertilized, it will prevent the egg to embed into the lining by slightly altering the womb. This is the reason why the pill is effective even if it is taken up to five days after unprotected sex.

However, make sure to only use the morning after pill in case of an emergency and not rely on it frequently. In case you need to use the morning after pill too often, consider using a traditional contraceptive pill or any other product in our wide range of contraceptives.

The morning after pill is not the same as an abortion pill in that it only works at preventing pregnancy, not terminating one. If you are already pregnant, you will need to consult a doctor about the available options.

What Are The Benefits Of Using A Morning After Pill? 

There are several benefits of using a morning after pill, especially in the case of an emergency. The main benefit is that it is easy to use and requires only a single dose. The second benefit is that it can be used within five days after unprotected sex. Finally, the most important benefit is arguably its effectiveness. The pill has been deemed between 95 and 98% effective in numerous clinical trials, making it an effective last resort.

Although you should practice pre-emptive prevention, including using any of the popular contraceptives such as the pill or condoms, the morning after pill is still a safe and effective contraceptive option for women who want to protect themselves against unwanted pregnancy. The alternative is considering abortion which takes a heavy emotional and physical toll on a woman. The morning after pill can help prevent this outcome if taken up to five days after unprotected sex.

Furthermore, the morning after pill is widely available. True Medical offers two alternatives which work up to 72 hours and five days, Levonelle and ellaOne respectively. True Medical also offers next-day delivery to make sure you take it on time to prevent unwanted pregnancy.

Who Can Use A Morning After Pill? 

Any woman at risk of unwanted pregnancy, including adolescents, can take a morning after pill as an emergency contraceptive. However, taking it when you’re already pregnant will not interrupt the existing pregnancy. If you become pregnant even after taking this medicine, no evidence suggests that it can affect your developing baby or the pregnancy itself.

However, if you take this tablet while you’re currently breastfeeding, it is best to not breastfeed for an entire week.

Further, a morning after pill does not affect your future fertility. A morning after pill will not stop you from getting pregnant if you enter into unprotected sex after taking it. Therefore, it is best to use other contraceptive methods such as condoms.

Are There Any Morning After Pill Alternatives? 

The best and most effective emergency contraception option is the coil or intrauterine device. This contraceptive can be fitted up to five days after unprotected sex at your nearest sexual health clinic. The device can later be used as an ongoing contraceptive method. Some women dislike the coil due to its invasive nature, so make sure you consult with a doctor before considering it.

What Are The Most Common Morning After Pill Side Effects? 

Like any treatment, the morning after pill may lead to unwanted side effects that some but not all patients experience.

The most common morning after pill side effects include:

  • Nausea
  • Dizziness
  • Headache
  • Fatigue
  • Tender breasts
  • Heavier periods, delayed or early periods, painful periods and bleeding between periods
  • Stomach pain

If any of the side effects persist or you suspect you are still pregnant after taking a morning after pill, make sure you see a doctor. If your next period is more than 5 to 7 days late, if it’s shorter or lighter or if you experience any abdominal pain make sure to seek out medical attention.

If you vomit within three hours after taking the treatment, take another one right away.