Cancellation Policy

For recurring orders

Your cancellation options can always be found in your account dashboard. Simply follow these steps:

Logged out users

  1. Log in to your account
    • Click on the Login button in the top website navigation (above the main website navigation)
    • Or paste this link into your browser’s address bar (
  2. Enter your username/email address and password
  3. Choose Subscriptions from the left-hand side menu
  4. Find the order you want to cancel from the main window (right from the menu where you chose the Subscriptions tab)
  5. Click the Cancel button

Logged in users

  1. Click on the My Account button in the top website navigation (above the main website navigation) (
  2. Choose Subscriptions from the left-hand side menu (
  3. Find the order you want to cancel from the main window (right from the menu where you chose the Subscriptions tab)
  4. Click the Cancel button