
Rigevidon tablets are a type of female contraceptive categorised as a combined pill, which is a pill that contains two female sex hormones. Rigevidon is prescribed to women who want to avoid pregnancy.

  • Contains Oestrogen and Progesterone
  • Proven 99% Pregnancy Prevention Efficiency
  • Easy To Use
  • Sourced In The UK
  • Genuine Treatment


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Discreet Packaging

Standard package with no stamps or markings


UK Medication

Dispensed by registered UK pharmacists

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Rigevidon Pill? 

Rigevidon is one of the common contraceptive pills prescribed to women to prevent unwanted pregnancy. Additionally, women who often experience painful periods and heavy bleeding may also take Rigevidon pills as they can alleviate menstrual symptoms and cause lighter bleeding.

What type of pill is Rigevidon? 

Rigevidon is a combined pill which means it consists of two female sex hormones. The two Rigevidon ingredients are estrogen and progesterone, which are contained in small doses. This differentiates Rigevidon and other combined birth control pills from the mini pill that doesn’t contain estrogen. 

To be more specific, Rigevidon pills consist of the synthetic versions of both estrogen and progesterone – ethynylestradiol and levonorgestrel.

What is Rigevidon Pill used for? 

As a contraceptive pill, Rigevidon is primarily used to enable women to delay and prevent pregnancy. These tablets can also be used to regulate the menstrual cycle and alleviate its symptoms. Due to the concentrations of estrogen and progesterone, Rigevidon pills can regulate the menstrual cycle and reduce bleeding and pain.

How effective is Rigevidon? 

In general, Rigevidon contraceptive pills are effective in 99% of cases when it comes to preventing pregnancy. However, whether Rigevidon will provide you with the same level of effectiveness greatly depends on your individual case and whether this birth control pill is right for you and your body. 

Therefore, before you decide to buy Rigevidon, it’s advisable that you schedule with your trusted doctor and seek their medical advice. They will determine whether you should start taking Rigevidon and whether it’s it the most effective solution for you. 

To find out how effective these tablets are, you can also read Rigevidon pill reviews online and learn more about other women’s experiences. Of course, it’s important to note that Rigevidon, like any other medication, may affect each woman differently, so you shouldn’t completely rely on online reviews. 

How do Rigevidon pills work? 

As the combined oral contraceptive, Rigevidon pills have a significant effect on the female body. Estrogen and progesterone contained in Rigevidon actually override the menstrual cycle. They do so by persuading your body into thinking that ovulation already happened, which prevents the ovaries from releasing an egg. 

To answer the question ‘What is Rigevidon?’ please refer to this FAQ’s above

Typically, Rigevidon pills prevent pregnancy by: 

  • Preventing your ovaries from releasing an unfertilised egg
  • Stopping your body from preparing the womb and lining for fertilisation
  • Affecting the lining of your womb to make it less suitable for possible egg implementation 
  • Stopping sperm cells from entering the womb by thickening the natural mucus found in the cervix

What are the benefits of using Rigevidon? 

If you start taking Rigevidon contraceptive pills, you can expect the following benefits: 

  • Effective protection against unwanted pregnancy
  • Regular, lighter, and less painful periods
  • More control over planning a family
  • More control over your sex life

How to take Rigevidon? 

Rigevidon contraceptive tablets fall under the category of monophasic pills, which means that each pill has the same amount of estrogen and progesterone. You need to take a Rigevidon pill daily during the period of 21 days. 

Then, you should make a 7-day break, during which you will experience menstrual bleeding. This bleeding is actually withdrawal bleeding, but it’s actually quite similar to your menstrual bleeding. 

After the 7-day break, you should go back on the Rigevidon pill and start a new pack. You may still experience some bleeding, but it is essential that you continue taking this type of birth control after the break. 

Starting to take Rigevidon contraceptive pills

In general, you should start a Rigevidon pack on the first day you get your period. Try to take a combined pill every day at the same time so that you don’t forget taking your daily dosage. Rigevidon tablets should be taken orally with water. Whether you take them with or without food doesn’t make a difference. 

Typically, each pack is clearly marked for each day of the week, so you can easily keep track. As already mentioned, you should take a Rigevidon pill for three weeks and then make a 7-day break

How to take Rigevidon for the first time

Before going on the pill, you should schedule a consultation with your medical professional. They will examine you and your medical history to determine whether you should start taking Rigevidon

Women who start taking Rigevidon for the first time may experience some issues with their menstrual bleeding at first. Namely, you may experience irregular bleeding, spotting, missed period or breakthrough bleeding. This can be completely normal, but if these symptoms persist, make sure to consult your doctor.

Taking Rigevidon after delivery, having an abortion or experiencing a miscarriage 

Women who have experienced a miscarriage or had an abortion can go on Rigevidon. This combined pill is suitable for women in these situations provided that they had an abortion or miscarriage at under 24 weeks. 

However, if you don’t start taking the tablets within the first 7 days, it’s advisable that you use additional forms of contraception since it’s likely that Rigevidon will not be effective during the first several days. 

Additionally, if you’ve just had a baby, you can start taking Rigevidon again on the 21st day of your delivery. However, Rigevidon pills are not recommended for women who are breastfeeding.

Missing a Rigevidon Pill

It’s important that you take your birth control pills as prescribed, which is typically every day with or without a 7-day break. However, forgetting to take a Rigevidon tablet doesn’t mean that you immediately don’t have adequate protection against pregnancy. 

In this case, you will still have protection against pregnancy, but it’s important that you take the missed pill as soon as you remember. This may mean that you’ll need to take 2 pills on the same day, but that shouldn’t be an issue. After taking the missed Rigevdon pill, you should keep taking other pills according to your schedule.

Additionally, make sure to check your pack after missing to take a pill. If you have fewer than 7 tablets, you can continue taking the pills as usual and complete the pack. After the break, you should open a new pack of Rigevidon birth control pills.  

If I take Rigevidon, when am I protected?

Taking Rigevidon combined pills on the first day of your period will provide you with immediate protection. However, if you start later on, especially if you have a short period, you won’t be protected against pregnancy. In this case, it’s advisable that you use other methods of contraception during the first seven days. 

Additionally, if you start to vomit or experience severe diarrhoea within two or three hours of using Rigevidon, make sure to take another one as soon as you get better. This is advisable due to the fact that your body may not have absorbed the pill. 

As already mentioned, Rigevidon will protect you against pregnancy even during the 7-day break and if you forget to take a pill. 

Note: Rigevidon combined pills are a type of oral birth control, which means that they don’t offer protection against STIs. It’s highly recommended that you use barrier contraception, that is condoms, to protect yourself against STIs. 

Who is qualified to take Rigevidon?

Women who are qualified to take Rigevidon can secure supply for up to 3 months. To qualify, they must:

  • Have been on Rigevidon for the last 12 months
  • Have not had any issues with Rigevidon for the last 12 months they have been taking it
  • Have had a face-to-face check-up for their pill for the last 12 months

What brands of contraceptive pills are similar to Rigevidon?

Microgynon, Levest and Ovranette are contraceptive pills which also share the same ingredients and the same dosage and strength as Rigevidon. This means that they work exactly the same. 

Rigevidon product information

A combined contraceptive pill taken orally, Rigevidon is manufactured by the pharmaceutical company Consilient Health Ltd. The pill contains the following ingredients:

  • 30 mg of oestrogen ethinylestradiol
  • 150 mg of progestogen levonorgestrel

Switching to Rigevidon from Microgynon

Currently, it costs less for the NHS to provide Rigevidon instead of Microgynon. This means that there may be doctors that will switch some women to Rigevidon from Microgynon in line with the cost-cutting measures imposed by the NHS. 

On paper, considering both products have the same active ingredients in the same strength and the same dosage, there should not be any difference. Both products are composed of identical hormonal ingredients. However, there are women who are not happy over being switched, especially due to the fact that they have not been consulted. Some have also complained about adverse reactions and side effects. However, there is still not enough data to show whether the problems associated with the switch are eventually going to settle down. 

Rigevidon patient information

Before you start taking Rigevidon, it is advised that you carefully read and understand the following information.

  • What is Rigevidon used for?

Also referred to as “the pill”, Rigevidon is a combined contraceptive, taken orally to help prevent a woman from getting pregnant. It is composed of a combination of two female hormones: ethinylestradiol, an oestrogen; and a low dose of levonorgestrel, a progestogen. 

There are three ways that a combined contraceptive medication offers pregnancy protection. The hormones contained by the pill can:

  1. Prevent the ovary from ovulating or releasing an egg every month
  2. Thicken the fluid along the cervix so sperm cells will have a hard time reaching the egg
  3. Alter the state of the womb lining to make it an environment that isn’t conducive for implanting a fertilised egg

General information

If taken as prescribed, contraceptive pills are effective yet reversible methods of contraception. However, there are instances when the overall effectiveness of the medication may be significantly reduced or there may be a need for you to stop taking it altogether. If this happens, it is advised to abstain from having sex or make sure to use additional non-hormonal contraception like condoms our using the barrier method. One must also remember that combined oral contraceptives like Rigevidon do not offer any protection from sexually transmitted infections. Condoms are the only method known to do so.   

  • Before taking Rigevidon

Special care is essential before taking Rigevidon. Before you can start taking the medication, you will be asked questions about your health by your doctor. Your family health history will be looked into as well. Your blood pressure will be measured. Some tests may even be carried out depending on our present health situation. 

Regular check-ups

After you start taking Rigevidon, your doctor will want to see you for regular check-ups on a yearly basis. If you start experiencing any problem at any time, be sure to call your doctor right away.

You should NOT take Rigevidon if you: 

  • Are hypersensitive or allergic to levonorgestrel, ethinylestradiol, or any of the other active ingredients of the medication.
  • Have or had a history of thrombosis or blood clot in a leg blood vessel, the lung or any other organs.
  • Have had a stroke or heart attack
  • Suffer from a medical condition which increases the possibility of you suffering from a heart attack (this includes angina pectoris which is characterised by severe chest pains) or a stroke (including a momentary one that does not have lasting effects)
  • Have or had migraines that came with movement, visual disturbances as well as irregular touch sensation
  • Have heart rhythm fluctuations or heart disease
  • Have diabetes that affects that blood vessels
  • Suffer from high blood pressure
  • Suffer from eye disorders including a retinal disease called retinopathy
  • Suffer from liver diseases or liver tumours
  • Have been diagnosed with breast cancer or other types of cancer including cancer of the womb or uterus, cervical cancer or ovarian cancer
  • Experience unexplained vaginal bleedings
  • Are pregnant or suspect that you are

Rigevidon should only be taken under very strict supervision by a medical professional if you happen to have any of the following conditions as they are likely to exacerbate while on the pill. 

Make sure to let your doctor know prior to taking Rigevidon if you:

  • Have a lipid or blood-fat metabolism disorder or other rare disorders of the blood
  • Have vein inflammation (often in the legs, thrombophlebitis) or varicose veins
  • Suffer from high blood pressure
  • Are diabetic
  • Suffer from migraines
  • Are diagnosed with ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s disease (chronic inflammatory bowel conditions)
  • Suffer from depression
  • Have an inherited form of deafness or otosclerosis
  • Are diagnosed with sickle cell anaemia
  • Suffer from porphyria
  • Have a disease of the gallbladder or liver such as gallstones and yellowing of the skin
  • Suffer from Sydenham’s chorea, a movement disorder
  • Are diagnosed with SLE or systemic lupus erythematosus, an inflammatory disease with a tendency to affect different parts of the body such as the joints, sin and even internal organs
  • Have HUS or haemolytic uraemic syndrome, a blood disorder where the kidneys fail due to blood clots
  • Have pruritus or itching
  • Have the herpes gestationis rash
  • Have chloasma or brown patches on your body and face which can be reduced by not using sunlamps or sunbeds and staying away from direct sunlight

The conditions mentioned above can potentially get worse while being on the pill. This is why regular check-ups are critical when on Rigevidon. 

In addition, make sure to inform your doctor prior to starting Rigevidon if:

  • You’re obese or severely overweight
  • You’re smoking

Thrombosis and the pill

The risk of blood clots is slightly increased when you’re on the Pill. 

  • 5 out of 100,000 women who are not pregnant and not taking the Pill will have a blood clot in a year
  • 15 out of 100,000 women who are taking Rigevidon, or other contraceptive pill will have a blood clot in a year
  • 60 out of 100,000 women who are pregnant will have a blood clot in a year

Venous thrombosis

Using any combined pill, Rigevidon included, can increase the risk of developing blood clot in the vessels or venous thrombosis. This is when compared to women that do not take any type of contraceptive pill at all. 

This risk is further increased among pill users:

  • As they get older
  • If they are overweight
  • If they have close relatives who has had thrombosis or blood clot in the lungs, leg or other organs while young
  • If you have to undergo a surgery or operation, have to be immobile for a prolonged period or if you get involved in any serious accident, you must let your doctor know ahead of time that you are currently on Rigevidon since there may be a need to stop the medication. You will be advised by your doctor when it is safe to start Rigevidon again, which is generally two weeks after you’ve recuperated. 

Arterial thrombosis

Using combined pills has been associated with an increased risk of arterial blockage or arterial thrombosis. For instance, this could occur in the blood vessels of the brain (stroke) or the heart (heart attack).

Risks among pill users of arterial thrombosis increases:

  • If they smoke, which is why women are strongly advised to quit smoking when taking Rigevidon, especially if they are over 35 years old.
  • If they have high triglycerides or cholesterol, which means that there is increased fat in the blood
  • If they have migraines
  • If they have high blood pressure
  • If they have heart problems such as disturbance in heart rhythm or valve disorders

Cancer and the pill

Breast cancer seems to be slightly higher among women taking the pill than those women who are of the same age who do not. The longer you are taking the pill, the higher the risk gets as well. However, the risk tends to go back to normal within a decade of stopping from taking the medication. Also, it is not ascertained whether the increased risk of developing breast cancer is directly linked to the pill. There is a possibility that since women who are on the pill tend to get seen by their doctors more often, this may have also caused earlier detection of breast cancer. 

Due to how breast cancer is rare among women who are below 40 years old, the additional cases of breast cancer among recent and current pill users tend to be small. For instance:

  • About 16 in 10,000 women who have never been on the pill will be diagnosed with breast cancer by the time they turn 35.
  • About 17-18 in 10,000 women who have taken the pill for 5 years while in their early 20s will have breast cancer by the time they reach 35.
  • About 100 in 10,000 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer by the time they reach 45 years old. 
  • About 110 in 10,000 women who have been on the pill for 5 years during their early thirties will be diagnosed with breast cancer by the time they are aged 45.

The risk of you developing breast cancer will also be higher:

  • If you have close relatives (grandmother, sister, mother) who was diagnosed with breast cancer
  • If you’re severely overweight

If you seem to notice changes in your breasts, make sure to see your doctor right away. This includes changes in the shape of your nipple, skin dimpling or any lumps that can be felt or seen. 

There have also been reports of benign and malignant liver tumours among women who are taking the pill. Liver tumours carry the risk of intra-abdominal bleeding which can be life-threatening. So, if you experience any pain in the upper stomach area that has not cleared for quite some time, it is best to let your doctor know. 

Long-term pill users have also been reported to have an increased risk of developing cervical cancer. This increased risk is still not directly corelated to the use of the pill since there is a chance that it may be caused by certain sexual behaviours as well as a variety of other factors. 

Taking other medications

Always inform your doctor, pharmacist or dentist if you have recently taken or are currently taking other types of medicines, as well as ones that you have obtained without any prescription.  

This is because there are medications that may prevent Rigevidon from working one hundred percent. Among these medications include:

  • Epilepsy treatments such as carbamazepine, primidone, topiramate, oxcarbazepine, hydantoins, phenytoin, barbiturates
  • Tuberculosis treatment like rifampicin
  • HIV infection treatments such as ritonavir
  • Fungal infection treatments like griseofulvin

If you are taking these medicines for a short term of no longer than one week, then it is advised to use additional contraception methods such as a foam, diaphragm or a condom while taking the medication and for up to 28 days after taking it.

  • Antibiotics like tetracycline, ampicillin

If you are on these antibiotics for no longer than a week, an additional contraception method is required in the form of foams, diaphragms and condoms while you are on the antibiotic and for 28 more days after taking them. 

If the extra precautions overrun the end of your pill pack, make sure to start another pack on the next day without taking any break. This means having to take a pill every day even during those normal 7 pill-free days. When running two pill packs together, there is a very good chance that you will not have a period until you have used up the two packs. If, after having used up the second pack, you still have not had a period, it is best to talk to your doctor first prior to starting another pack.  

  • St John’s wort or hypericum perforatum, a common herbal remedy

If you are taking this herbal remedy or have plans on taking it, seek the advice of your doctor ahead of time as Rigevidon may not be ideal for you. 

Rigevidon may also affect the following medications:

  • Lamotrigine which is used for treating epilepsy
  • Medications used for suppressing tissue rejection after transplant surgeries are performed such as ciclosporin

Before getting any urine or blood tests done, let your doctor or the laboratory attendants know that you are on the pill. This is because oral contraceptives may have an effect on the result of some lab tests.

Breastfeeding and pregnancy

Ask for advice from your pharmacist or doctor before taking any type of medication. It is important to not use Rigevidon when pregnant. If you suspect that you are pregnant or you become pregnant while on the pill, stop taking Rigevidon and see your doctor right away. 

Rigevidon should never be taken while breastfeeding. If you are currently breastfeeding and would wish to get on the pill, it is important to discuss things first with your doctor. 

Using machines and driving

You can operate machinery and drive while on Rigevidon. 

Important information concerning some Rigevidon ingredients

Rigevidon has lactose. If you have been confirmed to be intolerant to some sugars, it is important to let your doctor know that you are planning on taking this medication. 

If your doctor has informed you that you have rare hereditary conditions of glucose-galactose malabsorption, galactose intolerance or the Lapp lactase deficiency, then you should never take Rigevidon. 

  1. Taking Rigevidon

Where to Buy Rigevidon 

Rigevidon is available for purchase via TruMedical. You have the option of a one time purchase, or a monthly subscription

Want to Know More About Rigevidon?

Taking Rigevidon contraceptive pills will not completely stop your period. However, as the combined pill, Rigevidon may enable you to delay your period by three weeks. This typically happens when you take two packets of Rigevidon pills consecutively. 

Nonetheless, it’s highly advisable that you consult your doctor prior to deciding to delay your menstrual cycle. 

Rigevidon may have possible side effects, but whether you will experience them will depend on your individual case. Each woman reacts differently to different types of birth control, which is why your doctor should examine you to determine whether you should start taking Rigevidon.

Some of the possible side effects of Rigevidon contraceptive pills include: 

  • Spotting, breakthrough bleeding or bleeding between periods
  • Discomfort while earring contact lenses
  • Experiencing headaches or migraines 
  • Blood clotting in the blood vessels
  • Vomiting and feeling nauseous 
  • Pain in the abdominal region 
  • Skin problems and reactions
  • Tender or enlarged breasts
  • Diminished sex drive
  • Blood pressure rise
  • Weight gain or loss
  • Problems with liver
  • Retention of water
  • Vaginal thrush
  • Depression
  • Gallstone

Is Rigevidon safe?

Your doctor will determine whether it’s safe for you to start taking Rigevidon pills by evaluating your health and medical history. There are some instances where women should take Rigevidon with caution. For instance, if you’re older than 35, have a history of certain medical conditions such as heart attacks and strokes in your family, etc. 

Additionally, Rigevidon tablets should not be taken during pregnancy, while you’re breastfeeding, or taking a certain combination of medications. Your medical professionals should be consulted in all three cases. 

A common question surrounding Rigevidon is ‘can you buy Rigevidon online?‘ and ‘can you buy Rigevidon over the counter?

Well, here at True Medical, we enable you to purchase Rigevidon and other types of birth control in the UK completely online. Our pharmacy is supplied with a range of UK-sourced women’s health medications. 

What’s more, with us, you also get an online consultation with our medical professionals who will analyze your case and determine whether you should start taking Rigevidon. Afterwards, your order will be processed and discreetly delivered to your home. Contact us today!